MIDA-MPMA Conference on Government Assistance for Circular and Low Carbon Economy - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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MIDA-MPMA Conference on Government Assistance for Circular and Low Carbon Economy

MIDA-MPMA Conference on Government Assistance for Circular and Low Carbon Economy

wed26jun8:30 amwed5:30 amMIDA-MPMA Conference on Government Assistance for Circular and Low Carbon Economy8:30 am - 5:30 am(GMT+00:00)

Event Details

Date: Wed, 26.06.2024
Time: 8.30 am – 5.30 pm
Venue: Avante Hotel, Petaling Jaya, L6, Emerald and Garnet Rooms

In respond to the Government’s initiatives towards low-carbon, climate-resilient economy based on clean, green and resilient development, the plastics industry is advocating for policies that support the transition towards a circular economy, where plastics are reused, recycled or repurposed at the end of their lifecycle. Such efforts require investment in infrastructure, education and incentives to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable future.

MPMA-MIDA, in a public-private collaboration, is once again jointly organising the MIDA-MPMA Conference on Government Facilitation and Incentives, focusing on Circular and Low Carbon Economy.

The Conference will act as that platform to give participants the access to the pool of knowledge needed to transform into a green industry. Apart from the presentations, participants will also have the opportunity to network with the government officials in charge of the various financial facilities and green policies.


  • Discuss current government policies that support the transition to a circular and low-carbon economy.
  • Explore various financial and non-financial incentives that the Governments can provide to encourage businesses to adopt circular and low-carbon practices.
  • Address global challenges and local contexts in implementing circular and low-carbon economy practices.
  • Opportunity to network with the government officials in charge of the various financial facilities and green policies.

Registration: https://mpma.org.my/upload/2024/MIDA-MPMA_brochure_060624_1.pdf

Registration Deadline: Friday, 21.06.2024


26 June 2024 8:30 am - 5:30 am(GMT+00:00)
