MIDA Japan Offices Facilitated the Investment Mission by Selangor State Government to Osaka and Tokyo
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MIDA offices in Japan
Event Details

MIDA offices in Japan namely Tokyo and Osaka have successfully assisted the Selangor Investment Mission, led by YAB Dato’ Seri Amirudin Shari, Chief Minister of Selangor from 6 to 10 March 2023. The mission, backed by a strong pool of delegates from the state government, was also participated by YB Dato’ Teng Chang Khim, Selangor Executive Councilor – Investment and Trade together with Dato’ Hasan Azhari, CEO of Invest Selangor; Dato’ Mahmud Abbas, CEO of PKNS Holdings Bhd.; Dato’ Sri Yap Ngan Choy, and Executive Chairman of NCT Alliance Bhd. with an objective to attract Japanese investments as well as to share the latest developments in Selangor.
During the 5-day programme, MIDA Tokyo and Osaka facilitated one-on-one meetings with Japanese companies and co-organised roundtable meetings on 7 and 8 March 2023 with the theme “Exploring Golden Business Opportunities in Selangor. Both events received positive responses from Japanese companies highlighting the strong economic momentum by Japanese investors in Selangor. The latest data revealed that Selangor was the second highest state for approved investments in 2022, with a total amount of RM60.1 billion (USD13.6 billion).
During the sessions, YAB Dato’ Seri Amirudin Shari, Chief Minister of Selangor delivered a keynote address, welcoming more Japanese companies to invest in Selangor. He highlighted the states’ developed infrastructure, readily available talents and strategic location, which offer numerous opportunities for Japanese investors.
Dato’ Hasan Azhari, CEO of Invest Selangor shared the value proposition of Selangor and provided participants the new development in The Integrated Development Region In South Selangor (IDRISS) which is expected to catalyse the development in the southern part of the state. The development would involve an area spanning 3,276 hectares in the Sepang and Kuala Langat districts with an estimated gross development valued at RM1 trillion.
Mr. Gulam Muszairi, Director of MIDA Osaka and Mr. Shamsul Amir, Deputy Director of MIDA Tokyo delivered presentations on investment opportunities and the latest investments trend in Malaysia, respectively. Dato’ Mahmud Abbas, CEO of PKNS Holdings Sdn. Bhd. also presented their latest development in Selangor welcoming business partnership with Japanese investors. NCT Alliances Bhd. introduced the new Selangor Smart Industrial Park development. The sessions were supported by Mr. Koichiro Nakajima, Trade and Investment Rapporteur of Invest Selangor in Tokyo and a sharing session by Mr. Hiroyuki Imizu, Advisor of Panasonic and Mr. Yoshimici Kano, Executive Advisor of Roland for the events in Osaka and Tokyo respectively.
Leveraging this opportunity, MIDA also organised one-on-one meetings and visits to Japanese companies such as Iwatani Corporation, Nippon Electric Glass, Topcon Corporation, Daiso and Mitsui Copper Foil as an engagement with existing players in Selangor while sharing latest development as well new business and investment opportunities in Selangor.

With world-class connectivity and strategic location, Selangor has become one of the key players in high technology manufacturing, services and digital investments. In line with the New Investment Policy (NIP) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles, Selangor State has identified seven core clusters, five in manufacturing and two in the services sector to accelerate its economic growth and sustainability agenda namely life sciences; food and beverages; electrical and electronics; machinery and equipment; transport equipment; digital investment and logistic services. In addition, the First Selangor Plan (RS-1) is a comprehensive development plan with the aim to become a Smart, Liveable, and Prosperous state with four main strategic themes: Economy, Social, Sustainability, and Governance.
With a population of 6.5 million people, Selangor offers a growing talent pool in the country which can support the development of industries and attract more investors. It’s great to see major Japanese companies like Panasonic; Nippon Electric Glass; NTT Data Centre, Roland and Daikin already operating in Selangor, which shows that the state is an attractive destination for foreign direct investments.

06 March 2023 - 10 March 2023 (All Day)(GMT+08:00)