MIDA Embarks on Digitisation of Manufacturing Licence, Permit PDA, and Pioneer Status Certificates - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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MIDA Embarks on Digitisation of Manufacturing Licence, Permit PDA, and Pioneer Status Certificates

MIDA Embarks on Digitisation of Manufacturing Licence, Permit PDA, and Pioneer Status Certificates

MIDA has embarked on a digitisation initiative for its Manufacturing Licence, Permit PDA Certificate, and Pioneer Status Certificate. This is part of MIDA’s ongoing commitment to keeping up with the ease of delivery and ensuring that its online transactions are safe and secure.

The digitisation initiative includes strengthening the security and validity of documents through the use of digital trustmarks, namely the MITI Trustmark and MIDA Trustmark. These trustmarks will be embedded on these licence and certificates, and digital decision letters will be enhanced with a secured QR code. The digital documents can be verified for authenticity and integrity via eValidator, a mobile verification tool by Pos Digicert (available in the iOS App Store and Android Google Play). This also complies with the Digital Signature Act (DSA) 1997 and the Digital Signature Regulation (DSR) 1998.

The newly enhanced features will be made available through the InvestMalaysia Portal effective 1 September 2023 (Friday) via https://investmalaysia.mida.gov.my.

For any clarification, please do not hesitate to contact MIDA through the InvestMalaysia portal.
