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To nurture the growth of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Domestic Investment (DI) in the country, MIDA – through its Post Investment and Infrastructure SupportDivision (PostInvest), provides ‘handholding’ and ‘problem solving’ services to assist companies’ investment journey in Malaysia.
Established on 3 May 1999, the Division has been entrusted to facilitate companies in implementing their projects as well as providing proactive support services to the manufacturing and services companies. The role includes periodic reviews of arising issues and formulating appropriate measures for smooth operations of existing projects. One of the core functions of PostInvest is acting as a mediator between companies and government agencies/stakeholders in addressing issues or challenges faced by companies during the pre- and post-approval periods.
The Division also provides information on government policies and guidelines, undertakes continuous engagements with utility providers, ensuring the necessary infrastructures in Industrial Estates are well maintained, mitigating labour supplies and facilitating approvals by local authorities.
Biz Clinic and Biz Talk
In 2018, PostInvest introduced a 360-degree outreach programme, namely ‘Biz Clinic and Biz Talk’. Despite its short existence, the dual-faceted programme quickly became a key flagship initiative for MIDA, as it promotes a greater connection between investors and stakeholders. Biz Clinic is a one-to-one session between companies and stakeholders that provide a platform to securely and effectively air their grievances, discuss their operational challenges, and seek much-needed clarification, assistance and advice on governmental guidelines.
The Biz Talk segment, on the other hand, complements the Biz Clinic through a sharing session on market trends from the stakeholders such as Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and Telekom Malaysia (TM).
Three MIDA’s Biz Clinic and Biz Talk programmes have been planned for 2019. The first one was held in Ipoh on 10 July 2019 followed by Melaka on 24 September 2019.
Both events, which were fully supported by the respective state governments, TNB, Gas Malaysia, NGC Energy and other relevant authorities, were well attended by over 300 participants from various industries. During the consultation sessions that were conducted, among major concerns raised were on power quality, lack of internet connections and local authority approvals for Development Order (DO), Building Plan (BP) and Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC). Moving forward, continuous efforts and engagements with all stakeholders will be undertaken to respond to the needs of investors.
By maximising efficiency in ensuring the ease of doing business in Malaysia, the country will continue to earn the trust and respect of decision-makers across the globe. The third and final Biz Clinic and Biz Talk programme for this year will be held in Johor on 14 November 2019.