Opensignal: Malaysia on top among 15 global markets in 5G vs 4G average download speed ratio - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Opensignal: Malaysia on top among 15 global markets in 5G vs 4G average download speed ratio

Opensignal: Malaysia on top among 15 global markets in 5G vs 4G average download speed ratio

22 Jun 2022

Malaysia came on top among 15 global markets for the uplift in users’ average download speeds ratio using 5G over 4G with a staggering 25.7 fold increase, a United Kingdom-based mobile analytics company said.

Opensignal, in its latest definitive analysis of 5G worldwide leaders, said the number of 5G users in Malaysia, however, is small and the ratio would likely decrease as 5G adoption increases.

“It’s important to understand the different state of 5G rollouts across markets, 5G is still very new in Malaysia with relatively few 5G users,” it said.

To date, it said only two operators have signed up to deploy 5G on the single wholesale network.

“The real-world test for Malaysia will happen in the coming months when multiple Malaysian operators market 5G and we see real mass market uptake,” it said.

It said Malaysia’s 5G wholesale network only covers the access network, essentially the cell towers, and Malaysia’s operators continue to use their existing core networks and peering to enable the complete experience for users.

Nevertheless, it said Malaysia jumps in with high rankings in all three 5G speed categories — download speed, peak download speed and upload speed, as well as 5G games experience under the experience category.

In the experience category, it said Malaysia featured in the table highlighting the importance of end-to-end experience for video streaming, multiplayer mobile gaming and voice communications.

Meanwhile, Opensignal said South Korea held onto the global 5G speed crown ranking top for 5G download speed with six markets having surpassed the 300 Megabits per second (Mbps) mark compared to three in March 2022.

“South Korea, Sweden and the UAE have been joined by Bulgaria, Norway and Malaysia although Malaysia is something of an anomaly because of the limited 5G uptake to date and the 5G experience there will likely drop dramatically as more users and more operators embrace 5G,” it added.

Source: Bernama
