KK Industrial Park generates RM11.2 billion investment, over 14,000 jobs - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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KK Industrial Park generates RM11.2 billion investment, over 14,000 jobs

KK Industrial Park generates RM11.2 billion investment, over 14,000 jobs

19 Nov 2024

The Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP) has generated investments worth RM11.2 billion since its establishment in 1994, the Sabah State Legislative Assembly was told today (Nov 19).

Sabah Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship Minister Datuk Phoong Jin Zhe said 341 companies have operated in the industrial park, creating 14,608 full-time jobs, especially for Sabah locals.

“Industrial development in KKIP continues to run smoothly,” he said as he wrapped up the debate on the state Supply Bill (2025) for his ministry here today (Nov 19).

He said in the latest development, the construction of the Integrated Building System (IBS) factory, 100 per cent owned by KKIP Sdn Bhd, is in the trial production run stage and is expected to be fully operational in January next year.

“Phase 1 of the construction of this factory generated an investment of RM50 million and created 90 full-time job opportunities,” he said.

Phoong said next year, KKIP will focus on preparing a master plan for a new industrial park in Kota Belud, given that the remaining unused land in KKIP comes to only 101.17 hectares, located in separate areas.

Apart from Kota Belud, he said his ministry is planning the development of new industrial parks in Kudat and Kimanis next year. “The development of these industrial parks is expected to begin in the 13th Malaysia Plan.

These new industrial parks will not only support investment in high-tech industries but will also support industries based on the blue economy and food safety,” he said. 

Source: Bernama
