Aerodyne strives to lead software, technology services industry - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Aerodyne strives to lead software, technology services industry

Aerodyne strives to lead software, technology services industry

12 Jul 2023

The country is urged to start focusing more on technology and innovation to have processes in place and ecosystem to help the sector grow, thrive and prosper .

Aerodyne Group is grabbing the big opportunity to emerge as a leader in the software and tech services industry as it consolidates under the current economic conditions.

Envisioning to be like Japan’s Sogo Shosha, Aerodyne founder and group CEO Kamarul A Muhamed said some of the mergers and acquisitions (M&As) the group is currently evaluating to strengthen its future position will get them into new areas, as well as consideration of partnering with firms that have the right technology. 

“The new areas include data technology, which is very broad and massive. Typically, it takes a company years to develop data technology for one vertical but we are going to the market faster to become a one-stop solution for these drones. 

“All this while we have been planting seeds in various areas and have not yet started to grow, but now we are ready for the next level,” he said at the Energy Asia Conference 2023 recently. 

Additionally, Kamarul welcomes any collaboration with the government and authorities in advancing Malaysia’s digital economy which he said the group is “always ready”. 

Challenges for Local Start-ups in Digital 

From his own experience finding investors for start-ups, Kamarul said it is difficult for local companies to obtain funding in the digital sector, which is also among the things he wants to change, namely the mindset shift and trust deficit that is currently occurring in the industry. 

He said in Japan, both investors and start-ups trust each other, so the environment is conducive and complementary to the industry’s growth. 

“In Malaysia, I do not blame investors who are sceptical of start-ups due to negative track records such as fund misuse; nevertheless, there are also circumstances when start-ups are mistreated and do not receive funds even after being invested. 

“We need to create a system that allows start-ups to thrive. I know it is going to be difficult and strict. However, the environments in Korea, Australia and Japan are significantly different. They have a lot of synergy between investors and startups and the government and agencies are also very helpful and genuine,” he added. 

China, India, Asean Next to Wield Influence in Tech

Kamarul said the adoption of quantum technology will take some time, but in the Malaysian context, he urged the ecosystem to put more emphasis on the digital economy, which is critical for Malaysia to stay relevant. 

He also urged the country to start focusing more on technology and innovation to have processes in place as well as the ecosystem to help the tech industry grow, thrive and prosper, or else it will be difficult for Malay- sia to compete. 

“The world and economy are evolving. Looking at the global picture, traditionally, the US or the European Union (EU) controls the global economy as well as technology. But the world is changing, and I believe China, India and Asean will be the next countries to wield influence. 

“For Malaysia to be with these countries, we must be a key technology creator. This will allow us to grow together and supply our technology to them and beyond, which I believe is crucial. To compete worldwide, we must have a global mindset and global manner of doing things, and we must think large,” Kamarul added. 

The Future Technology 

During Aerodyne’s session at the conference, Kamarul highlighted the next big thing under quantum technology which includes two segments, namely quantum computing and quantum satellite. 

He said quantum computing power is 160 million times faster than the world’s fastest computer today. It will enable computation in four minutes, compared to the current fastest supercomputer’s 10,000-year processing time. 

Quantum satellites, on the other hand, will permit real-time communication to anywhere in the world using quantum entanglement principles, compared to an eight-minute lag when communicating by radio or other communication means. 

Furthermore, Kamarul highlighted the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and believed that quantum technology would power AI beyond artificial general intelligence (AGI) to artificial super intelligence (ASI), whereas the world is currently moving from artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) to AGI. 

In comparison, ANI specialises in one area and solves one problem; while AGI is as smart as a human across the board but considerably faster. On the other hand, ASI encompasses intellect and consciousness. 

“Three mind-blowing predictions with the evolution of AI is that we will become a space-faring species, we will expand brain capabilities and we will defeat cancer, ageing and more,” he added. 

Aerodyne Group is a provider of DT3 (drone tech, data tech and digital transformation) enterprise solutions. 

Drone data and AI-powered analytics are used by the company to address difficult industrial challenges, allowing organisations to rapidly scale, digitally convert and function optimally while increasing productivity. 

Aerodyne was also ranked first in the Global Drone Service Provider Ranking by Drone Industry Insights in 2022. 

Source: The Malaysian Reserve
