Smart Automation Grant (SAG) MADANI - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Smart Automation Grant (SAG) MADANI

The MADANI Smart Automation Grant (SAG MADANI) was introduced under the MADANI Economy initiatives in August 2023.


The main objectives of the SAG MADANI are as follows:

a) Supporting and assisting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to automate and digitalise their operations and production processes.
b) Enhancing productivity and efficiency in the manufacturing and service sectors.
c) Creating employment opportunities in high-value-added sectors.
d) Stimulating domestic investment


*Note: Closure of Applications for MADANI Smart Automation Grant (SAG MADANI) – Effective 15 December 2023.

Due to an overwhelming interest in MADANI Smart Automation Grant (SAG MADANI), the program has reached its fund capacity and is put on hold temporarily. MIDA is no longer taking new applications, and the registration is closed effective 15 December 2023 at 12.01 am.


The consideration for the grant application is subject to the availability of funding and allocation by the Government of Malaysia and current policy in force.
